Becoming Friends with your guinea pig
All guinea pigs are shy at first, it takes a lot of work to become as brave as Gillie. We want to help make our guinea pigs feel safe around us and build a strong friendship.
Step 1
Take it slow, start by sitting on the floor with your guinea pig. Let them roam around in an enclosed space. Wait patiently with some yummy snacks and let your guinea pig come to you. When they seem comfortable with your presence, you can begin with a two-finger pet. We recommend doing this a few times a day for the first week as you get to know one another.
Step 2
With adult assistance and supervision, have the guinea pig placed in your lap. Never force your guinea pig, you will know if they don’t want to do something. Remember, take it slow and go at your guinea pig’s pace. If your guinea pig is comfortable in your lap, offer a treat and gently pet them. Do this until you feel your guinea pig is completely comfortable with you. If you read our guinea pig language post, you will know what to look for.
Step 3
With help from an adult, you are ready to hold your guinea pig. Guinea pigs are fragile, so want to be really careful.